I dette nummer:
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Vitenskapelige artikler:
- Jon Anders Lone, Cato A. Bjørkli, Roald A. Bjørklund, Pål Ulleberg, Thomas Hoff: Organizational Climate and Innovation in the Norwegian Service Sector
- Ola Edvin Vie, Gunnhild Åberge Vie: Leaders personality trait and team effectiveness
- Rolf Marvin Bøe Lindgren: The Organization of Hypocrisy
- Stein Knardahl: The General Nordic questionnaire for psychological and social factors at work (QPSNordic): corrections
- Kjartan Thormodsæter: Vi spør bedriften
- Kim Rand-Hendriksen: Skråblikk
- Helene Tronstad Moe: Kurs & konferanser
- Helene Tronstad Moe: Fagfellepanel