Thor Heyerdahl og hvem oppfant rasismen?

Hvis man vir­ke­lig mang­ler fag­kunn­skap, så vil en hvil­ken som helst inn­de­ling av men­nes­ker opp­fat­tes som rasis­tisk, som f.eks. Carl Linne­us’ skrif­ter. Vi har vel alt etab­lert at David Hume var vel rasis­tisk alt etter dati­das stan­dard (se f.eks. utdrag her). Men hvem bur­de vi bren­ne her i lan­det? Hvem har vir­ke­lig job­bet hardt for å frem­me rasis­tisk tanke­gods?  Jeg er for­bau­set over at ingen har opp­da­get den­ne ennå.

The French wri­ter Joseph Gobineau, the fat­her of modem racist ideo­lo­gy, in his 1854 ‘Essay on the Inequali­ty of Human Races’ wro­te that ‘Eve­rything great, fruit­ful and nob­le in the work of man on this earth springs from the great Aryan fami­ly’. He per­sua­ded himself that the Ary­ans had spre­ad to found the cul­tu­r­es of ancient Egypt, Rome, China and even Peru and chat all civi­li­sa­tions deri­ve from the whi­te race’. (Jones, Ste­ve (2000/1993) The Lan­gua­ge of the Genes: Bio­lo­gy, His­tory and the Evo­lu­tio­na­ry Futu­re Lon­don: Fla­min­go, s 258).

Jeg har sant å si ald­ri hørt om fyren annet enn i den­ne boka. Men en fyr jeg har hørt om skal ha fått ide­ene sine her­fra

Thor Hey­er­dahl’s famous voya­ge across the Paci­fic in search of the foun­ders of the civilisations of Poly­ne­sia can be tra­ced back to Gobineau. They gave rise toa lang series of attempts to tra­ce his­to­ri­cal links among cultures (such as those of the Celts and the Incas) which share sun-worship, mas­si­ve stone monu­ments, and mum­mies. All were supposed to descend from the Ary­ans, who were often equa­ted with the ancient Egyp­ti­ans. (ibid).

Jeg mener det­te bare sto i ei fot­no­te i det eksemp­la­ret jeg kjøp­te på Aka­de­mi­ka ca 1995:

One thing is cle­ar: the inhabi­tants of the Paci­fic and those of South Ame­rica have few gen­etic links. Thor Hey­er­dahl’s book of his intrepid voya­ge in a bal­sa raft across eight thousand miles of Paci­fic from Peru has sold twen­ty mil­lion copies, more than all other anthro­pology books put together. Unfor­tu­na­tely, his view chat to recon­struct the past it is neces­sa­ry only to reli­ve it is wrong. Popu­la­tion genetics has sunk the Kon-Tiki. (ibid, s. 197).

Så: Når får vi se folk med fak­ler og høy­gaf­ler stor­me mot Bygd­øy?
