De 100 beste science fiction-filmene

Jeg gjør som Sti­an Andre­as­sen og Ellen Dahl, kopie­rer Total Sci-Fi Onli­nes lis­te over det de mener er de 100 bes­te sci-fi-fil­me­ne, og uthe­ver dem jeg har sett. Mitt resul­tat er 43100. Enda man­ge god­bi­ter igjen. Hva er ditt?

1Blade Run­ner (1982)
22001: A Space Odys­sey (1968)
3Star Wars (1977)
4Ali­en (1979)
5Metro­po­lis (1927)
6The Day the Earth Sto­od Still (1951)
7The Ter­mi­na­tor (1984)
8Pla­net of the Apes (1968)
9E.T. (1982)
10Sola­ris (1972)
11Clo­se Encoun­ters of the Third Kind (1977)
12For­bid­den Pla­net (1956)
13The Empi­re Stri­kes Back (1980)
14A Trip to the Moon (1902)
15Ali­ens (1986)
16Silent Run­ning (1972)
17Brazil (1985)
18Aki­ra (1988)
19Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
20Total Recall (1990)
21The Matrix (1999)
22Tron (1982)
23The Thing (1982)
24RoboCop (1987)
25Juras­sic Park (1993)
26Inva­sion of the Body Snatch­ers (1978)
27A Clockwork Oran­ge (1971)
28The Fifth Ele­ment (1997)
29La Jetée (1962)
30Sle­eper (1973)
31The Fly (1986)
32Ter­mi­na­tor 2: Jud­ge­ment Day (1991)
33Westworld (1973)
34Mad Max 2 (aka The Road War­rior –(1981)
35Return of the Jedi (1983)
36Back to the Futu­re (1985)
37WALL‑E (2008)
38The Fan­ta­s­tic Pla­net (1973)
39The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976)
40Things to Come (1936)
4120 Mil­lion Miles to Earth (1957)
42The Abyss (1989)
43Qua­ter­mass 2 (1957)
44This Island Earth (1955)
45Eter­nal Suns­hi­ne of the Spot­less Mind (2004)
46Deli­ca­tes­sen (1991)
47Dark Star (1974)
48The Andro­me­da Stra­in (1971)
49The Omega Man (1971)
50Stal­ker (1979)
51Tets­uo: The Iron Man (1989)
52Escape from New York (1981)
53The Invi­sib­le Man (1933)
54It Came From Outer Space (1953)
55God­zil­la (1954)
56Inva­sion of the Body Snatch­ers (1956)
57Minority Report (2002)
58Alpha­vil­le (1965)
59Gat­taca (1997)
60The Foun­tain (2006)
61Them! (1954)
62Video­dro­me (1983)
63Logan’s Run (1976)
64Ghost in the Shell (1995)
65Repo Man (1984)
66Child­ren of Men (2006)
67Star Trek VI: The Undis­covered Coun­try (1991)
68Out­land (1981)
69A Boy and his Dog (1975)
70Mad Max (1979)
71Don­nie Dar­ko (2001)
72Soy­lent Green (1973)
73Cube (1997)
74Moon (2009)
75Dark City (1998)
76Starship Tro­opers (1997)
77A Scan­ner Dar­kly (2006)
78The Qui­et Earth (1985)
79Inva­ders From Mars (1953)
80Fan­ta­s­tic Voya­ge (1966)
81Bar­ba­rel­la (1968)
82Fah­ren­heit 451 (1966)
83Twel­ve Mon­keys (1995)
84Event Hori­zon (1997)
85Inde­pen­den­ce Day (1996)
86Alte­red Sta­tes (1980)
87The Step­ford Wives (1975)
88Sere­ni­ty (2005)
89Dune (1984)
90Pri­mer (2004)
91Explo­rers (1985)
92THX 1138 (1971)
93Star Trek (2009)
94Flash Gor­don (1980)
95Galaxy Quest (1999)
96Cocoon (1985)
97Star­gate (1994)
98Pre­da­tor (1987)
99Tran­cers (1985)
100Rol­ler­ball (1975)